What’s in your make up bag?

I don’t know if you have ever wondered what other women carry in their hand bags or make up bags, but I am forever curious about what other products women use, or simply, what is in their bag!! 😛

So, since sharing is caring, I thought, lemme share with you what I normally carry in my make up bag.  First and foremost, I LOVE make up bags. I have LOTS of them.  LOTS.  Like, A LOT.  Okay, you get the picture.  I don’t know what it is about them, but I happen to own at least 15.  Hi, my name is Bertha, and I have a make up bag addiction. Haha!

Okay, so here’s my latest make up bag:

0324142345a-1_1It was super inexpensive…purchased at Forever 21 a few months ago.  Less than $5 perhaps?? I don’t exactly recall, but definitely not expensive. 😉

So, one of my latest make up bag ‘must-haves’ are these Kleenex Slim Packs.  They are super adorable, coming in lots of different styles (one to match every bag I own, most likely!!), and small enough to carry in my make up bag!  Check out some of the other styles available!!  They come in three packs, so you get a ton for not a lot of money!

0324142347-1_1So, as you can tell, this make up bag is not very large, so I’m not actually able to fit TOO much into it (everything, including my Kleenex Slim Pack – but not the large eye shadow palette’s – fit in the bag):

0424141558My other ‘must haves’ are:

  1. Sunscreen for my face
  2. Eye cream
  3. Lip gloss
  4. Concealer
  5. Bronzer

The rest is pretty much extra, but those 6 are absolute MUST haves!!  So what is your Kleenex style??  What else do YOU carry in your make up bag??  Share your ‘must haves’ with me below!  I’m always looking to try new things and would love to hear what my chic colleagues are carrying around these days!

Finally, many thanks to Kleenex for sponsoring today’s story and for helping to keep my make up bag stylish!!

Stay chic!!

4 thoughts on “What’s in your make up bag?

  1. ashleynicolerm says:

    I’m not a huge make up girl. Im usually rocking a bare face. However. I’ve become a huge fan of primer, which sometimes I’ll even wear alone. I have the house Ulta brand currently. I also love tinted moisturizer and a good mascara (I use Devita Moisture Tints and Physicians Formula Fake Out — both are organic and cruelty free which is super important to me (I’m a beagle owner :D)


    • Chic in Academia says:

      Yes, they are great to have, regardless of where you keep them! Thanks for reading my post and sorry it took me so long to reply!!


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