
Welcome to Chic in Academia! Chic in Academia (CIA) was founded in 2013 in an effort to share clothing, accessories, etc. deals with peers, friends, and family. Since then, CIA has evolved into collection of posts related to the perfectly imbalanced lifestyle of a scientist mom/wife in academia (on the tenure track no less!), most recently hoping to increase science communication for all communities, especially non-scientific communities. Hope you’ll come along for the fun, reading journey! -B

“Showing the world that being fashionable and intelligent should not be mutually exclusive…one outfit at a time.” -B

About Dr. B:

Dr. B is a scientist living in the Southeast US with her husband and two sons. She is passionate about science-ing, mommy-ing, and shopping (not in that order). Dr. B is also a big advocate of women and diversity in science, with many of her academic and service pursuits related to advancing that mission. In her free time (insert chuckle here), Dr. B enjoys reading (current read How Women Rise), sports spectating (of the junior recreation league types), and eating chips and guac/salsa with a fountain diet coke.


Photography by Versaguis Photography

“what is the greatest lesson a woman should learn?
that since day one
she’s already had everything she needs within herself;
it’s the world that convinced her she did not.” -Rupi Kaur


Work with Dr. B:

Chic in Academia has had the opportunity to work with brands including Living Proof, NYX Cosmetics, Google, Rockport Shoes, and many others. CIA has been featured in Redbook Magazine (cover September 2016), B-Metro Magazine, and other online publications. Feel free to reach out to discuss potential collaborations or request a media kit, chicinacademia@gmail.com.

9 thoughts on “About

  1. Amanda Renée says:

    Loving your looks! So chic and sassy 😉 I love how you’ve paired a metallic piece with a softer, more relaxed, neutral top. Of course, the gold accessories pull it all together and make it look so contemporary and fun! Super excited to have found a fellow academic who loves fashion! – http://academiquechic.com/


    • Chic in Academia says:

      How ever did I miss this comment?! Thank you for your kind comment! I greatly appreciate the support. I will be sure to seek you out on IG as well! Thanks for stopping by!!


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