A ‘Chic and Fit 2014’

I had a relatively stressful day today.  All self-imposed, so no one to blame but me. 🙂  That said, I turned to a couple of things today that usually help me ‘de-stress’, so to speak.  Among those things, chats with friends!!  Many thanks to my amazing friends (you know who you are) who listened to me vent. 😀  The other thing I tried was…a run.  Yup, a good ‘ol run on the treadmill.

I haven’t worked out regularly in a while, mostly because I was breastfeeding my son for the past 10 months (have you ever tried running with breasts full of milk?!  PAINFUL.  Or at least it was for me!!).  But also because I didn’t HAVE to!  He’s turning 11 months this week and this past month, I’ve watched the scale climb faster that I ever knew it could!  I knew I was burning lots of calories while breastfeeding, but didn’t realize how many until I stopped (though we do have frozen stock to get us through the year, fortunately!)!

Anyhow, I forgot how good it feels to get some physical activity in my day.  The stress is not completely gone, but the endorphins appear to help me manage the stress better, I think (this, by the way is not a scientific opinion, haha!  Just my opinion. 😉 ).  So, I thought, why not engage my friends and see if we can all get a little healthier and de-stress together?!

So, I am starting ‘Chic and Fit 2014’!  The goal here is not to:

  • Get skinny
  • Try new diets
  • Workout like crazy

The goal is simply to incorporate at least 30 minutes of physical activity into my day.  If by chance I happen to lose some weight along the way, become less stressed, eat healthier, or decide that I love working out (this has never happened before, so I doubt it will happen now, but I’ll never say never, haha!), then so be it!

Want to join me?!  I will post updates here on my blog, also on Instagram, and on Twitter using hashtag #chicandfit2014.  You can post as well and use the hashtag, so we can all keep up with each other.  Sure, we may be halfway through 2014, but the year is not over yet!  So, follow along as I incorporate fitness into my attempt to stay ‘Chic in Academia’.  No gimmicks, nothing difficult, just me, a workout, and social media. 🙂

Stay Chic!

Workout Treadmill Day 1 edited

Me, my treadmill, and my phone (camera) 😉

Workout Day 1

Day 1 – A slow jog on the treadmill.

14 thoughts on “A ‘Chic and Fit 2014’

    • Chic in Academia says:

      Thanks, Lekki!! I don’t know if I will be able to either, but I’m definitely going to try! I think my goal is going to be to work it in during my lunch hour and then just eat at my desk while I work. In the past, I have gotten to work early, left the office at 430pm, worked out for 45 minutes, and then picked up the kids by 545pm (15 minutes before daycare closed). I’ll see what I can do this time around, but definitely hoping to get physically active one way or another! 🙂


  1. Baby T Fashion Diaries says:

    Im so in babes! Chic and fit 2014! ♥♥♥ ive already started, and I am planning on loosing that extra poundage. Lets see eachother thru. I hate the treadmill with a passion hahah . Thats why I do videos, I dont watch the clock in pain!


    • Chic in Academia says:

      Yay!! Excited!! We should definitely keep each other accountable! I’m okay with the treadmill, only because I watch Netflix while I’m on it. 😛 Otherwise, it would be the bane of my existence! Haha! Good luck to us and cheers to seeing some lost poundage! 😀


  2. javacia says:

    I love that you’re doing this! I am also working out at least 30 minutes a day every day in 2014. I started on January 1 and I haven’t missed a day yet! I’d love to be a cheerleader for you in this.


    • Chic in Academia says:

      Yay, thanks so much, J!! I vaguely remember you telling us about that at the blogger’s brunch! I finally decided that I needed to do something to get fit and 30 minutes a day seemed feasible, so I went with that! 😛 I’m on day 3, and feeling good, so hopefully I can keep it up! Thanks so much for your support! I’m hoping to make it work!


  3. javacia says:

    I love that you’re doing this! On Jan. 1 I committed to working out for at least 30 minutes a day every day in 2014. I haven’t missed a day yet! I’d love to be your cheerleader for this!


  4. ascendingbutterfly says:

    I so need a treadmill! I can host twitter parties and get a run in at the same time! LOL
    Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly


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